Human Rights Developments in Iran 2010
The Islamic Republic of Iran with more than 73 million population, is one of the oldest and richest human civilizations and has played a distinctive and unique role in contributing to the enrichment of human culture. Following the victory of the Islamic Revolution, the people of Iran chose the Islamic Republic as their system of government with overwhelming majority of votes in a national referendum.
Democratic Elections
In Iran, the most important institutions of government arise from the will and direct or indirect vote of the people. The Supreme Leader is elected by the Assembly of Experts whose members are chosen by the direct vote of the people, and the President and representatives of Majlis are elected directly by the vote of the people. Since after the victory of the Islamic Revolution, 28 elections have been held to choose the President, representatives of Majlis, members of the Assembly of Experts, and the councilors in the City Councils. One of the salient features of elections in Iran is the high turnout of voters. In the last presidential election close to 40 million people or 85% of qualified voters participated in the election.
Freedom of Expression and Press
The free flow of information via media and press and the environment characterized by conflicting and opposing view is quite visible in the political and cultural communities in Iran. In this regard freedom of press is guaranteed by the Press Law while duly observing the Islamic teachings and the best interest of the nation. The latest statistics in 2008, shows that there are 2,050 national publications, 650 local newspapers with total circulation of 1,250,000 copies.
Human Rights Developments in Iran 2010
Rights of Minorities
Iran is a land with diverse ethnic and religious communities that live side by side with different traditions, customs and languages. The Iranian society is a successful model of brotherly and peaceful coexistence. Among the three official religious minorities, i.e. Christians, Jews, and Zoroastrians, the first group comprises the largest population. Over 100,000 Christians reside in Iran, including such sects as Armenians, Assyrians, and Chaldeans who follow catholic and orthodox, and protestant churches
Today, over 50,000 Zoroastrians live among their countrymen in Iran and consider each other as brothers and friends.There are over 25,000 Jews living alongside their Muslim, Christian, and Zoroastrian countrymen, whose patriotism links them together, a connection that has grown and deepened over the centuries. The Iranian Jews mainly reside in the cities of Tehran, Shiraz, Esfahan, Rafsanjan, Kerman, Sanandaj, Hamedan, Kermanshah, and Yazd. They regularly hold their religious worship in 76 synagogues throughout the country. There exist 19 Jewish associations and foreign organizations in Tehran, 13 associations in Shiraz, and several associations in other cities.
Trade and Labor Unions
The Labor Code and the law relating to parties, and professional societies and associations define the general framework for the activities of trade unions. Accordingly, a very active labor organization that covers more than 1,450 business units and factories represents the interests of workers nationwide. This organization operates according to democratic principles and has the right to hold peaceful assemblies and carry out political activities.
In the past two decades, the Islamic Republic of Iran has played host to a refugee population of two millions. At one point, one fifth of the world refugee population resided in Iran. In the past decade, in spite of the repatriation of some refugees, Iran continues to rank as the first refugee accepting country in the world. Unlike many refugee accepting countries in regard to the residence of refugees, IRAN provides relative freedom of residence to refugees.