29 March 2025
2024/05/09 - 13:31 View: 319

Online Meeting between the President of Iran's Chamber of Commerce and the CEO of Polish Chamber of Commerce

Online Meeting between the President of Iran's Chamber of Commerce and the CEO of Polish Chamber of Commerce

Mr Samad Hassanzadeh, the President of the Iranian Chamber and Mr. Marek Kłoczko the CEO of the Polish Chamber discussed the fields of joint cooperation in an online meeting.

In this meeting, the president of the Iranian Chamber spoke about the important responsibilities of the chambers of commerce and clarified Iran's industrial, mining and agricultural capacities are at a high level, and there is no doubt that Iran and Poland, with the support of Chambers can jointly invest in these potentials and increase the level of their business interactions.

He emphasized the focus on oil, gas, industrial parts production, technical-engineering services, glass industry and metal industries in the relationship between the two countries and said: these areas can be planned to expand the level of relations.

He invited the CEO of the Polish Chamber to travel to Iran at the head of a business delegation to get to know the business and investment capabilities of the country.

In this online meeting Mr. Marek Kłoczko spoke about the value of friendship between Iran and Poland, which is a historical and long-standing and said "The Polish Chamber has been working hard to strengthen business relations with Iran for a long time and believes that the capacities of joint cooperation between the two countries are much greater than what we are witnessing today.

In this same virtual meeting with the president of Iran Chamber, he invited Iranian economic activists to travel to Poland and examine the fields of joint cooperation.

Hossein Gharibi, Iran's ambassador in Warsaw, considered the holding of such meetings as a sign of reaching a common understanding between the economic activists of the two countries, who understand how important economic cooperation is in strengthening international relations. Meanwhile, good fields for joint cooperation between Iran and Poland can be imagined.

He continued the embassies of the two countries play a significant role in introducing commercial capacities. In this regard, there is a preparation for a delegation from one of Iran's provinces to travel to Poland.

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